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20 Min Full Body Workout W/Pamela Reif

This is a 20 Min Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like. You don’t need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. […]

The PERFECT Push-up!

Great video that focuses on Quality rather than Quantity, teaching YOU how to do The Perfect Pushup! (Visited 609 times, 1 visits today)

Do This EVERYDAY to Lose Weight

(Visited 974 times, 1 visits today)

Today's Articles

How to Check for Diabetes

Diabetes is the disease that affects how the body processes and uses blood sugar or blood glucose. A person with diabetes has too much glucose in their blood which can lead to major problems and issues. BEFORE WE GO ON… Super important, we NEED to stress that when you get advise online, from ANY WEBSITE, […]

Are Avocados Fattening?

Yes, avocados are fattening, but considered to be full of the good fat. Avocados are full of nutrition, including 15 grams of unsaturated fat in one medium sized avocado. Avocados supply a healthy source of unsaturated fat, not the saturated fat you find in fast food, junk food or fried pastries. Avocados are considered one […]

Are Apples Good for a Keto Diet?

Apples are good for weight loss and Keto Dieting because of their nutritional value and large amounts of fiber.  We have all heard the saying, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ but what about for losing weight? Apples are good for losing weight because they fill you up and not out.  Apples are […]

Is Mayonnaise Bad For You?

Mayonnaise is bad for you if you consume too much of the high fat kind. While you may have heard that not all fats are bad for you, there are particular ones that are. Many of the ingredients found in mayonnaise are not necessarily bad for you, like eggs, water, lemon juice and even salt. […]
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