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The PERFECT Push-up!

Great video that focuses on Quality rather than Quantity, teaching YOU how to do The Perfect Pushup! (Visited 584 times, 2 visits today)

20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight…

Here are 20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight, and its a GREAT video & a fantastic list of things you should be eating… BUT, always check with your Doctor before making any changes to your diet! (Visited 641 times, 1 visits today)

How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently in 2020

When we ring in a new year, we set new goals. Weight loss is a huge one for many of us. We want to lose 10, 20, 30 lbs. We decide we will go on Weight Watchers, start a keto diet, paleo, intermittent fasting, diet supplements or whatever the current diet trend may be. The […]

Today's Articles

Does Exercise Increase Testosterone Levels?

Yes, exercise and diet are both natural ways to increase Testosterone Levels in Men. Exercise is one way to increase lean muscle, shed fat, promote libido and improve mental health! Studies show that regular exercise improves the testosterone levels in men significantly, and in women every so slightly. Women contain trace levels of testosterone and […]

Are Cashews Paleo?

Are cashews paleo? That’s still open for discussion. In some ways it depends just how strict you want your paleo diet to be in terms of avoiding chemicals that may be harmful. Cashews have to be roasted or treated to remove the phenols they’re coated with, because these chemicals can inflame the digestive tract and […]

Are Avocados Fattening?

Yes, avocados are fattening, but considered to be full of the good fat. Avocados are full of nutrition, including 15 grams of unsaturated fat in one medium sized avocado. Avocados supply a healthy source of unsaturated fat, not the saturated fat you find in fast food, junk food or fried pastries. Avocados are considered one […]

Are Cashews Good For You?

Are Cashews Good For You? They provide a great source of nutrition for the body and are quite good for you.  Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of cashews. First of all, cashews are great for the heart because of the good quality fat that is contained within the nut.  Like […]
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