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Secret Veggie Burger Recipe

The Secret Veggie Burger Recipe and ingredients that Chef David Lee uses to make his Planta plant-based burger. Chef David Lee talks to White Coat, Black Art’s Dr. Brian Goldman about what goes into one of his restaurant’s top seller and what spurred Lee on to plant-based eating. (Visited 1130 times, 1 visits today)

How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently in 2020

When we ring in a new year, we set new goals. Weight loss is a huge one for many of us. We want to lose 10, 20, 30 lbs. We decide we will go on Weight Watchers, start a keto diet, paleo, intermittent fasting, diet supplements or whatever the current diet trend may be. The […]

Award Winning Chili Recipe / How To Win A Chili Cookoff

I’m letting the cat out of the bag. Since I’m retiring from chili cookoffs, I decided to share my recipe for LEG UP CHILI. I show you my setup, give advice on chili theory, why you should use canned ingredients! BEANS!!!! Yes, chili has beans. (Visited 764 times, 1 visits today)

Today's Articles

Are Skittles Gluten Free?

Are Skittles gluten free? They’ve have been around for decades and now come in a variety of flavors such as original, tropical and sweet and sour. For many, Skittles are the preferred method of satisfying their sweet tooth. But what about those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? Wrigley/Mars are the makers of Skittles and […]

Does Drinking Beer Make You Fat?

Drinking beer does make you fat if you over-consume it!  As with anything related to weight loss, moderation is crucial.  In order to not get fat drinking beer, you should not over consume food or drinks.  Beer contains nothing but empty calories and should be avoided on any weight loss plan.  If you are looking […]

Can Eating Apples Help You Lose Weight?

Apples CAN help you lose weight because of their nutritional value and large amount so fiber. We have all heard the saying, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ but what about for losing weight? Apples are good for losing weight because they fill you up and not out. Apples are low in calories, […]

Should I Avoid Eating Before Bed?

Eating before bed, or ‘Nighttime Overeating’ is more common than not and people usually wonder if they will gain weight as a result. The answer is not so simple – it all depends on what you eat. If you eat junk food and high calorie foods every night before going to bed, the chances of […]
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