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The PERFECT Push-up!

Great video that focuses on Quality rather than Quantity, teaching YOU how to do The Perfect Pushup! (Visited 602 times, 1 visits today)

Secret Veggie Burger Recipe

The Secret Veggie Burger Recipe and ingredients that Chef David Lee uses to make his Planta plant-based burger. Chef David Lee talks to White Coat, Black Art’s Dr. Brian Goldman about what goes into one of his restaurant’s top seller and what spurred Lee on to plant-based eating. (Visited 1114 times, 1 visits today)

How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently in 2020

When we ring in a new year, we set new goals. Weight loss is a huge one for many of us. We want to lose 10, 20, 30 lbs. We decide we will go on Weight Watchers, start a keto diet, paleo, intermittent fasting, diet supplements or whatever the current diet trend may be. The […]

Today's Articles

Does Dancing Help You Lose Weight?

Dancing does help you lose weight if you make it part of your diet and exercise plan. You may not shed the weight you want if you dance at a club once a week, but regular dance classes or exercise programs that incorporate dance can help you shed some unwanted pounds. When you work up a […]

Are Bananas Really Fattening?

Are Bananas Really Fattening? The diet industry is surrounded with myths, one of which involves bananas and if they are fattening or not.  Bananas are considered to be a low-fat fruit that contain a half-gram of fat in one portion. That’s not a lot of fat! What makes people determine that bananas are fattening is […]

Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?

Many people ask, “Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?” Crystal Light is a low calorie drink that is good for you in terms of quenching your thirst, but it does not count as water. While Crystal light is low in calories and sugar, it is full of artificial sweeteners.  In pure water there is nothing […]

Does Cranberry Juice Clean Your System?

Cranberry Juice can be effective in cleaning your system from toxins and free radicals because of its antioxidant properties. While it may not be the cure-all, cranberry juice is helpful in improving kidney and bladder health. One of the biggest benefits of cranberry juice is that it treats and prevents a urinary tract infection. It does […]
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