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Our 1 Year Body Transformation Losing 220lbs

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20 Min Full Body Workout W/Pamela Reif

This is a 20 Min Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like. You don’t need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. […]

Today's Articles

Can I be In Ketosis and NOT Lose Weight?

You can be in ketosis and not lose weight, but it is probably because you think you are in ketosis but are not.  When a person is truly in ketosis, they lose weight and fat is burned.  The process of ketosis occurs when the levels of ketones in the blood rises and become elevated.  Ketones […]

Can Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Coffee does not make you gain weight unless you drink it along with the consumption of junk food and highly processed foods. Drinking coffee alone does not make you gain weight, but actually slightly elevates your metabolism to prevent weight gain. Research studies are not definitive if coffee is the culprit in weight gain prevention, […]

Does Eating Spicy Foods Burn Calories?

The rumor mill boasts that eating spicy food burns more calories than eating regular food, but is this true? The verdict is still out, but most of the facts point in the direction that the answer is yes. The reason being, is that the body temperature is slightly elevated during the process of consuming a […]

Will Whey Protein Make Me Gain Weight?

Whey protein will make you gain weight if used in an effort to add pounds. But, it may also make you lose weight if you restrict your diet and implement a healthy exercise program. If you desire to gain weight, supplementing with whey protein may do the trick. Most hard gainers and bodybuilding enthusiasts appreciate […]
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